Video of my Fenland companion, Flint - fitted with Go Pro.
I moved from the Thetford Forest area, to the English Fens of Cambridgeshire. At first, I had a sibe in the house, that I could sometimes run with. Then she went. For a few years I was dogless. Then I got this chap:
His name was Flint, and he was a Saluki Lurcher cross. Fantastic dog to run off line - he would leap over wide Fenland ditches as though they weren't there. Hence the above video.
My life at that time prevented me from re-engaging with the national scene, or from attending any canicross meets. However, once he was mature enough, we started canicross training in the Fens for fitness only. I think that kept my sanity at that time - just.
In time, the team was joined by a second dog:
This fellah, a whippet named Loki. So now we were a pack of three again. We had a regular running route - but as usual, tried to break it up with changes in pattern, and the occasional getting lost on Fenland farmland, trying to find a way out before a farmer saw us.
Bike-joring was kind of out of the question. Life was very restrictive during this period of my life, and I really didn't have easy access to any land where I could comfortably bike out to with dogs on line. So we ran. Flint the lurcher was to be honest, an awful cani-cross dog. He wanted to sniff and scent every post, every stone, every tree (not that there were many of them in the Cambridgeshire Fens. However, Loki the whippet loved the activity, a natural. I got really fit again. Shed a lot of poundage. It was time for me to run and rediscover my freedoms. Unfortunately ... this meant leaving yet another pair of dogs behind me. But I had to go.
So endeth my six year period in the wilderness of the North Cambridgeshire Fens.
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